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Email verfication not working Xenforo 2.2.2 [need help]

Email verfication not working Xenforo 2.2.2 [need help]

Beavis Beavis - #1
i am using xenforo 2.2.2 which babiato forum share wihtout branding one.

i register with temp mail no confirmation received . how i can fix the issue. previous i waas testing xenforo 1.8.8 something it was working...

Xenforo 2.2.2 setting email :
Email transport method
PHP built-in mail system

currenlt using these option.

any help or suggestion >>
A.Soma A.Soma - #2
Sadece1 | Bot Konu için teşekkürler.
URL: https://www.sadece1.com//konular/email-verfication-not-working-xenforo-2-2-2-need-help.2467/

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