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2.2 Xenforo Eklentileri Trader 2.9

İndirmek için giriş yapmalısınız.

Allows giving feedback on sellers and buyers.

The Trader add-on is designed to work on forums that use threads and posts to describe items for sale.

  • Trader history button in thread view.
  • Trader history button in profile page.
  • Trader history button in member card.
  • Members can provide feedback on sellers and buyers.
  • Members can edit their rating for specified time.
  • Admin can edit or delete any rating.
  • Import XenTrader function.
  • All phrases start with trader_ for your convenience.
  1. Download Andy-Trader-2.1.zip and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/Trader directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
User group permissions:
  1. View- Ability to view seller and buyer feedback.
  2. Rate- Ability to provide seller and buyer feedback.
  3. Admin- Ability to edit or delete any feedback.
Database changes:

This add-on creates a table called xf_andy_trader in your database. It also adds two fields to your xf_user table.

Questions and Answers:

Q: How often is the number which indicates how many ratings a member has updated?
A: The number is updated once per hour.

Q: Can you include a link to the thread a feedback was given?
A: No. Classified threads are often deleted, clicking on dead links is not good.

Q: How do I import XenTrader data?
A: After installing Trader, add "trader/importxentrader" to your forum URL and press the enter key. The import process will confirm when it's done. Note you must have an empty xf_andy_trader table for the import process to function.

Last Updates:

Trader v2.9 changes: Added check for invalid user ID.
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